Hair Growth Kit - Guarantee

With 100% confidence in the results

We will help you! 

We are so confident that our Hair Growth Kit works, that we offer you a 150-day guarantee to get your money back if you're not happy with the results. Our guarantee can reach as the cost of one Hair Growth Kit and one Growth Serum kit (3x serums).


To make use of our guarantee, follow the steps below! 

STEP 1: 
Use our Growth Kit for a minimum of 150 days. You have to use all the products in the Hair Growth Kit to use this guarantee. 

STEP 2: 
Document your hair and scalp thoroughly every month so you have photos or videos as evidence.

STEP 3: 
Didn't get any results? Email us your pictures and order number to and we will get back to you. 

STEP 4: 
Get an answer from us and receive your money back if steps above gets approved!